Surgery Preparation Instructions – City Place Surgery Center

Before You Arrive

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your operation. This includes candy, mints & gum. This also applies if you are having a local anesthesia. Food in the stomach can cause serious complications and your surgery could be canceled or postponed. If your child is the patient, please be careful to enforce this.
  • Call your surgeon if you develop a cold, fever or respiratory problem before surgery.
  • For women, if there is any possibility that you’re pregnant, please notify your surgeon.
  • If you become ill or take any new medications prior to your surgery, please notify your surgeon immediately.
  • For your safety, you must arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and spend your recovery night with you, unless otherwise instructed. Cabs and/or Uber are not an option.’
  • You will hear from one of our nurses at City Place Surgery Center prior to you surgery.

Day of Surgery

  • Bathe or shower the morning of your surgery to minimize the chance of infection. You may brush your teeth but do not swallow any water.
  • Women should remove all make-up and jewelry.
  • Wear loose, casual clothing and low-heeled shoes. Tight fitting pants are particularly uncomfortable after certain surgeries. If you’re having shoulder or elbow surgery, wear a loose, button-down shirt.
  • Please bring your photo ID, insurance cards, and any payment that you may have been asked to bring. Leave all other valuables at home.
  • Please limit the number of people who accompany you. To maximize the comfort of all visitors, we suggest adult patients be accompanied by only one person. However, we do welcome both parents of a pediatric patient.
  • We would prefer that your driver remain in the surgery center during your procedure.
  • Do not smoke immediately before or after receiving an anesthetic. Smoking may interfere with the anesthetic and frequently produces nausea during the recovery period.

Recovery Period

  • After your surgery, you will be moved to our fully equipped recovery room and monitored by our nursing and anesthesia staff until you are ready to go home.

At Home After Surgery

  • Your surgeon will provide post-operative instructions regarding diet, rest, and medications. In the event of any difficulty, call your surgeon or his answering service.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours after receiving a general anesthetic or pain medication.
  • Plan to have someone at home with you for a day.