Bunion Treatment in Chesterfield, MO

What is a Bunion?

A bunion is a bump that appears along the inside of the foot near the big toe. This bony protrusion is typically only an annoyance at first, but will worsen and become painful over time if not treated properly.

Dr. Adam Rammacher is a board-certified podiatrist specializing in the treatment of Bunions, hammertoe, plantar fasciitis, and ingrown toenails in patients. If you are experiencing discomfort relating to a bunion, contact our orthopedic surgery center in Chesterfield and O’Fallon at (314) 576-7013. Dr. Rammacher provides a variety of surgical and non-surgical treatments for bunion pain and will take the time to discuss the severity of your condition and the treatment option best for you.

How Do Bunions Form?

Many individuals who develop bunions will notice that they slowly worsen over time. This is most often a result of using improper footwear that is too narrow. When the space between the toes is constricted, they will begin to press tightly against one another. This pressure can often lead to structural changes of the foot, including the formation of bunions, bunionettes, and more.

It is also possible for bunions to develop due to a congenital structural defect of the foot. Many people who have a family history of such defects and deformities are significantly more likely to inherit a similar condition of the foot. Those who put repeated stress on their feet or who have arthritis of the feet are also inclined to encounter bunions at some point in their life.

Typically, a bunion is the result of shoes that are too tight or too narrow, making them especially likely to occur in women, though they can affect anyone.

How Will I Know If I Have a Bunion?

The biggest sign of a bunion is its appearance. It will be hard to miss the bump that starts to stick out from the side of your foot.

Pain is another common symptom of bunions, though they are usually not painful right away. As the bunion continues to develop, the pain is likely to worsen as well. If a bunion has become especially large, walking in any capacity will be painful and also fairly difficult.

Other symptoms frequently reported by those with bunions include:

  • Redness
  • Calluses on the bunion or bottom of the foot
  • Restricted mobility of the big toe

Types of Bunions

Not every bunion is exactly alike. Two more specific kinds of bunions include:

  • An Adolescent Bunion: This is a bunion that occurs in a person of a young age.
  • A Bunionette: There is often a lot of confusion between bunions and bunionettes. They are actually both the same condition, just occuring in a different spot. Bunions will appear on the inside of the big toe, whereas bunionettes will appear on the outside of the pinky toe.

How are Bunions Treated?

Once a patient has been officially diagnosed with a bunion, Dr. Adam Rammacher will determine the best course of treatment based on their individual case.

If a bunion is detected early on, patients can usually find relief by wearing better shoes or ones with more padding. Some people have also found relief by placing cushions between their toes to force them into a properly aligned position.

For those that experience lots of inflammation with their bunion, taking anti-imflammatory medications or regularly applying ice to the bunion can help immensely. If none of these first attempts to relieve your discomfort are successful, it may be time to consider bunion surgery.

Bunion surgery is best for patients with a progressed bunion that makes it extremely painful or difficult for them to walk. During this procedure, Dr. Adam Rammacher will carefully realign all of the bones, tendons, ligaments, and nerves in your foot so that everything gets put back into its intended position.

Schedule Your Bunion Treatment in Chesterfield, MO

If you would like to learn more about bunion surgery, or other bunion treatment options in the St. Louis area, please contact Dr. Adam Rammacher at Woods Mill Orthopedics. Dr. Rammacher has extensive experience treating bunions and will recommend treatment based on your individual needs. To schedule a consultation for bunion treatment, please call (314) 576-7013 to request an appointment at our orthopedic clinic in Chesterfield and O’Fallon.